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Materiales didácticos
Immersion in Sedano PDF Imprimir E-mail
Departamento de inglés - Materiales didácticos

Last June, 33 students from 1 and 2 ESO and 2 teachers spent 5 days in Sedano taking part in an English immersion course. We arrived in Sedano on 15 June at 10.00 in the morning and were recieved by Luci, the person in charge at the Complejo Residencial Miguel Delibes, and 3 leaders, Desmond, Edu and Willy, the ones to give us the different lessons and do the activities.

Every day, we were woken up at 8.30 with music to do some sport. Then, at 9.20, we all had breakfast. There were also two lesson sessions, from 10.00 to 12.00 in the morning and from 16.00 to 18.00 in the evening. During those lessons, we were told about Sedano Valley and learnt different ways of orienteering there, made up stories about the animals living there, learnt about fossils, became publicists (like in Mad Men).... The students in Desmond`s class tried to find out what happened to Mr Jonshon and are still wondering who Helen is!!!! At noon and in the evenings, we always had an activity related to what we had worked with during the lessons; we made footprints, took plants and flowers and described them as in a herbal, went to find fossils, took part in different orienteering games.... Meal times were: lunch at 14.00, snack at 18.00 and dinner at 21.00 (the cook at the residence is great, everything was delicious and we could always have a second plate whenever we felt like). We were given some free time to have a nap at 15.00, but as the leaders were always ready to make us be active, no one did so; instead, we spent that hour playing football, basket or just sunbathing while talking about the different things we had done during the lessons. Shower time was from 20.00 to 21.00. We ended the day with a late night activity from 22.00 to 23.45. We played different games: a special hide and seek, the spider, walking dead, orienteering at night.... On Wednesday, we watched the Spain vs Chile football match and had a talent show (the theatre shows and the dancings were awesome, without forgetting the mystery boys!!).

Tuesday was special as we spent part of the day hiking. We went to the Blue Pitt. Most of us were really brave and swam there, although the water was freezing! On the way to Covanera, we found the place where the Athletic Bilbao Football Club keeps some of their trophies (that is what Edu and Willy told us).

The last day, Thursday, was somehow different. We tried to imitate the car race   that takes place there every August and, surprisingly, the teachers´ car won!! That was the only game or activity Juan Ignacio and Selena won during the course, despite the fact that they participated in all the activities..... That day, at 17.00 the course ended. The students were given a diploma proving they had taken part in the course. The way they said goodbye to us was incredible; Edu played bagpipes and Desmond and Willy sang a goodbye song for us.

Everyone at the residence was really kind and nice, from the cook, the cleaner, and the barman to Luci, Edu, Desmond and Willy. All of them do well with kids and made us feel as part of an important group. The students also behaved fantastically and made all the adults, the teachers and the leaders, have a wonderful time with them.

If you want to find out more about the courses there, visit, or their blog and read what they say about the group from IES Fray Pedro de Urbina. You can also see the video the teachers have prepared with some photos taken those days.

Última actualización el Viernes, 27 de Junio de 2014 13:31
English Immersion In Kent PDF Imprimir E-mail
Departamento de inglés - Materiales didácticos

El pasado mes de mayo, algunos alumnos de 3º ESO, de Fray Pedro de Urbina y Montes Obarenes, tuvimos la oportunidad de participar en un curso de inmersión lingüística de una semana de duración en Inglaterra, concretamente en un pueblo costero llamado Broadstairs.

El curso consistía en tres horas diarias de divertidas clases sobre cultura inglesa y mejora del idioma, y actividades el resto del día. Tanto los profesores como los monitores se mostraron en todo momento amables y cercanos a nosotros, así que las horas que pasamos con ellos se hicieron amenas y entretenidas.

Durante la semana, estuvimos hospedados en casas de acogida. Las familias están acostumbradas a recibir estudiantes de diferentes nacionalidades, por lo que, en general, no hubo ningún problema.


Las actividades que realizamos fueron de lo más variadas, divertidas y entretenidas: jugamos a los bolos, fuimos a la disco, aprendimos bailes country, fuimos al karaoke (aunque algunos no nos animamos a cantar), realizamos una divertida gymkana pasada por agua, un concurso de conocimientos generales y una velada viendo el último estreno cinematográfico en el cine de la localidad.

También llevamos a cabo algunas excursiones a pueblos cercanos como Ramsgate, Margate, Canterbury, Windsor y por último la más esperada por la mayoría, la visita a la capital, Londres.

Al llegar a Greenwich, cogimos un barco turístico que recorría el Támesis y desde el cual pudimos ver algunos de los monumentos más emblemáticos de la capital inglesa hasta llegar a nuestro destino, Londres. Una vez desembarcamos, tuvimos una visita guiada por alguno de los puntos más importantes de la ciudad, de los cuales los monitores y las profesoras nos contaron cosas relevantes y curiosas. Cuando acabó este pequeño tour, tuvimos tiempo libre para hacer compras en la city.

En conclusión, la experiencia ha sido gratificante. El ambiente generado en el grupo ha sido muy bueno por parte de los alumnos, pero también por parte de las profesoras, Selena y Laura, que han estado pendientes de nosotros en todo momento. Como ha sido una experiencia divertida y también didáctica, os aconsejamos que si tenéis la oportunidad de ir, os animéis a pasar una maravillosa semana al igual que hemos hecho nosotros.

Inés Gabanes, Ainara López y Laura Losada (tres de los treinta y siete alumnos que han participado en el curso).

The English teacher, Selena, only wants to add that she has enjoyed the experience so much. The staff of the KSE (Kent School of English) made us feel as being part of their team. We all, the students and the teachers, took advantage of every lesson and activity the KSE prepared especially for our group: the karaoke session, the disco, the country dance, the movie, the coastal walk, the bowling alley, the observatory quiz.... I also want to thank all the thirty-seven students for making our work with them really easy. All of us made our best in Broadstairs and the result is the unforgettable moments we had there. As one of the KSE teachers told us, once in Spain, the nostalgia reminds us of those moments.

Thanks to everyone who has made this English immersion course possible, mainly to the teachers who have guarded my classes at Fray Pedro de Urbina during that week and to my department headmaster, who has been in charge of preparing the course.


Selena Arranz Catediano

Planning de actividades que realizamos durante el curso

Última actualización el Jueves, 26 de Junio de 2014 16:43
Villancicos PDF Imprimir E-mail
Departamento de inglés - Materiales didácticos

Los alumnos de la sección bilingüe y los de francés nos cantaron unos villancicos

Curso de Inmersión en SEDANO PDF Imprimir E-mail
Departamento de inglés - Materiales didácticos

Alumnos de 1º de la ESO asistirán durante esta semana a un curso de inmersión lingüística en Sedano donde también realizarán otras actividades.

En el blog de la página se irán colgando fotos y resúmenes de las actividades que realicen.

Última actualización el Martes, 19 de Junio de 2012 09:21
Enlaces recomendables para inglés PDF Imprimir E-mail
Departamento de inglés - Materiales didácticos

A continuación publicamos algunos enlaces que pueden venir muy bien para todos los alumnos que estudian inglés, tanto para los del segundo ciclo de la ESO (3º y 4º) como para el bachillerato (1º y 2º). Es muy recomendable visitar las siguientes direcciones:

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