Departamento de inglés - Materiales didácticos |
6 alumnas del Fray Pedro han participado en la sesión regional del EYPE Parlamento Juvenil Europeo, celebrada en Donostia el 5,6 de Marzo. ¡Han ganado el debate e irán a la Fase Nacional en Mallorca (13-17 de abril)!
EYP es una organización apolítica y apartidista con un espíritu educador encaminado a lidiar con las necesidades de la juventud europea. Anima a los jóvenes a tener un pensamiento crítico e independiente y les facilita el aprendizaje de habilidades sociales y políticas, cruciales para el futuro. Desde sus orígenes en 1987, miles de jóvenes han participado en sesiones regionales, nacionales e internacionales y han hecho amistades de toda Europa y contactos que traspasan fronteras. Hoy en día es una de las plataformas europeas más grandes en cuanto a debate político, encuentros internacionales, aprendizaje e intercambio de ideas entre jóvenes. La lengua vehicular que se utiliza en todas las actividades tanto en los team building, los committee work o en los Assembly Debates siempre es el inglés. Este año se han celebrado 12 Sesiones Regionales en España en; Barcelona, Bilbao, Girona, Huesca, Málaga, Sant Cugat, Valencia, Vigo, Zaragoza y Donostia. Los jóvenes seleccionados de todas estas sesiones pasarán a la Fase Nacional que se celebrará en Mallorca del 13 al 17 de Abril. Este es el primer año que el IES “Fray Pedro de Urbina” ha participado en este proyecto EYP, concretamente en la Sesión Regional EYPE de Donostia 2016 que tuvo lugar el 5 y 6 de Marzo. Los centros que se presentaron a esta sesión fueron: 2 centros de Mondragón, el IES de Agurain , Colegio Sagrados Corazones de Miranda de Ebro y nosotros. Nuestro centro estuvo representado por las alumnas de 1º de Bachillerato: Natalia Campo, Sofía Izaguirre, Irene Orive, Marina Polo, Sara Salas y Celia Saiz. Tras elaborar, trabajar y obtener resoluciones con las que hacer frente a los problemas actuales que afectan a todos los europeos, los jóvenes participantes debatieron y defendieron con claridad sus ideas. Nuestras 6 representantes trabajaron seria y brillantemente, sin embargo un único centro podía ser elegido, con solo tres “delegates” (alumnas). Ellas, con su buen trabajo, consiguieron que nuestro Centro fuera el elegido. Y tres de las seis alumnas han sido seleccionadas para asistir a la Fase Nacional. Natalia Campo, Marina Polo y Celia Saiz The topics they have been debating about are: WOMEN’S RIGHTS AND GENDER EQUALITY Previous generations’ perceptions of gender roles still remain today. What should European countries do to dismiss gender roles, stereotypes and discrimination in Europe? MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON CIVIL LIBERTIES, JUSTICE AND HOME AFFAIRS During the first five months of 2015, the number of migrants detected at Europe’s external borders was 149% higher than in the same period of 2014. How can European states better react to the increasing stream of asylum seekers trying to cross Europe’s borders, while maintaining European human rights standards? MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON CONSTITUTIONAL AFFAIRS (AFCO) Devolution in Europe: Following a wave of secessionist movements and the possible withdrawal of Member States from the EU, how can cooperation be sustained while respecting nations’ right to self-governance and independence? MOTION FOR RESOLUTION BY THE COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY, RESEARCH AND ENERGY (ITRE) “Extending the Benefits”: The use of digital technologies in key areas of public interest can help the EU tackle social challenges, while making it cheaper, faster and easier for citizens to interact with public bodies. How should the EU ensure the wider incorporation of ICT enabled and supported benefits in its social policy? Begoña Berrocal de la Fuente
The first weekend of March we participated in the EYPE in San Sebastián because some friends had explained to us how it worked and we decided to try it. At first, we were really nervous because even though we wanted to go, as we knew it was going to be pretty fun, we couldn’t think past the difficulties of it. On Saturday, we arrived early in the morning, and carried out some team building activities that helped us get to know each other and thanks to that our nerves disappeared. After lunch, we started discussing our topics with our teams and preparing what we were going to do the next day during the debate. We had no problem because we had been researching information for some time and our chairs helped us too, by resolving our doubts. The debate took place on Sunday. We felt impatient when we arrived because it was something really new for us. We discussed every topic trying to solve the EU’ problems, and to convince the other participants. We did our best to make a good impression to the jury. The biggest challenge was to overcome our fears and speak in front of other people but we think we did a good job. To sum up, it was a really good experience that we can recommend. We would like to thank both of our teachers for making this experience possible, for supporting us and for helping us. What seemed to be a simple task, turned into an unique and memorable experience. Natalia Campo, Sofía Izaguirre, Irene Orive, Marina Polo, Sara Salas y Celia Saiz. |
Última actualización el Martes, 12 de Abril de 2016 09:12 |